Turn a Paper Process into a Digital Workflow
If you would like to turn a paper process into a digital form that you can easily send to multiple recipients for things like signatures, notifications, the receipt of documents, requesting the purchase of classroom items, etc., then Script is a wonderful place to start.
Our agency utilizes this digital platform for the remote collection and processing of paperwork like yearly work calendars, new hire processing, technology purchase requests, and much more. Read on to learn about the specific types of account access and troubleshooting.
To head directly to Script, visit, hover over the Sign In icon and choose School Login to get started.
Inbox Access
Inbox access in Script provides streamlined access to the inbox and is perfect for users who only need to complete script steps. This will be most of all script users.
Human Resources will create Inbox-access Script accounts and send you your login credentials.
If you are having trouble accessing your account or do not have an account, contact HR or submit a HelpDesk request with IT.
Dashboard Access
Dashboard access allows the user to create forms and workflows in Script and provides additional access to forms and workflows created by others when permission is granted. It also includes standard Inbox access.
Any user requesting Dashboard-level access MUST first have their supervisor’s permission and then have their permission level upgraded by an Account Owner.
If you require Dashboard-level access in Script to build forms and workflows or access reports, please talk to your supervisor and then submit a HelpDesk request with IT.
Dashboard Access Users:
Users who can upload and build forms and workflows within script, as well as manage workflow submissions:
Please check with your OP or supervisor to find out who has Dashboard Access and can build forms and workflows within your specific program or department. Most WISD Agency OPs and supervisors have been trained with Dashboard Access in script.
If you need further assistance or information to build a form or workflow in Script, please submit a HelpDesk request with IT.
Account Owners
Users who can add/remove users, change security settings, build/edit forms, and workflows, and manage workflow submissions:
Contacting Technology for Support
If you are having a problem, we want to hear from you!
Entering a Customer Service Request (CSR)
If you are experiencing a technical problem please navigate to the CSR Ticket Login Page and enter your WISD network username and password in the appropriate fields. After you login, create a ticket describing the problem. The tickets generated by the system send alerts to everyone in Technology, so we will see your ticket and respond.
Calling the Help Desk
If your problem is an emergency, call us at x1286 or (734) 994-8100 x 1286. The phones are manned M-F; 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Customers requesting support, who are not employees of WISD, should still call the Help Desk number. If we can help you, we will.